LoRa Mesh
The LoRa Mesh is implemented using OpenThread.
To understand the OpenThread terms and overall functionality, these guides are highly recommended:
- What is Thread?
- Node Roles and Types
- IPv6 Addressing (especially, RLOC unicast address)
Important, all the OpenThread CLI commands are accessible using LoRa.cli("command")
, the complete list of commands is here.
Please note some commands, can't execute, as some functionalities are not implemented (ex: Commissioning Role, Joiner Role, DNS).
This example shows how to:
- enable LoRa-Mesh network
- find neighbors (parent, children, other router direct connections)
- send PING to neighbors
- open UDP socket for:
- listening incoming UDP packets and answering back (ACK)
- sending packets to all neighbors
- toggle LED as packet/ping is received.
The LoRa-Mesh socket supports only the following socket methods:
Lora Mesh example
- Source: https://github.com/pycom/pycom-libraries/blob/master/lib/lora_mesh/main.py
micropython library is available at https://github.com/pycom/pycom-libraries/blob/master/lib/lora_mesh/loramesh.py.
from network import LoRa
import socket
import time
import utime
import ubinascii
import pycom
import machine
from loramesh import Loramesh
lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, region=LoRa.EU868, bandwidth=LoRa.BW_125KHZ, sf=7)
MAC = str(ubinascii.hexlify(lora.mac()))[2:-1]
print("LoRa MAC: %s"%MAC)
mesh = Loramesh(lora)
# waiting until it connected to Mesh network and
# it has some valid neighbors
while True:
print("%d: State %s, single %s"%(time.time(), mesh.cli('state'), mesh.cli('singleton')))
if not mesh.is_connected():
neigbors = mesh.neighbors_ip()
if len(neigbors) == 0:
print('No neighbor')
print('Neighbors found: %s'%neigbors)
# create UDP socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)
myport = 1234
pack_num = 1
msg = "Hello World! MAC: " + MAC + ", pack: "
ip = mesh.ip()
while True:
print("%d: State %s, single %s, IP %s"%(time.time(), mesh.cli('state'), mesh.cli('singleton'), mesh.ip()))
# check if topology changes, maybe RLOC IPv6 changed
new_ip = mesh.ip()
if ip != new_ip:
print("IP changed from: %s to %s"%(ip, new_ip))
ip = new_ip
# listen for incomming packets
rcv_data, rcv_addr = s.recvfrom(128)
if len(rcv_data)>0:
rcv_ip = rcv_addr[0]
rcv_port = rcv_addr[1]
print('Incomming %d bytes from %s (port %d)'%(len(rcv_data), rcv_ip, rcv_port))
# could send some ACK pack:
if rcv_data.startswith("Hello"):
s.sendto('ACK ' + MAC + ' ' + str(rcv_data)[2:-1], (rcv_ip, rcv_port))
except Exception:
mesh.blink(7, .3)
# update neighbors list
neigbors = mesh.neighbors_ip()
print("%d Neighbors %s"%(len(neigbors), neigbors))
# send PING and UDP packets to all neighbors
for neighbor in neigbors:
if mesh.ping(neighbor) > 0:
print('Ping OK from neighbor %s'%neighbor)
mesh.blink(10, .1)
print('Ping not received from neighbor %s'%neighbor)
pack_num = pack_num + 1
s.sendto(msg + str(pack_num), (neighbor, myport))
print('Sent message to %s'%(neighbor))
except Exception:
time.sleep(20 + machine.rng()%20)
# random sleep time
time.sleep(30 + machine.rng()%30)